HeyFla Staff
P. Jahbril –
Preston “Jahbril” Bryant is a Florida native and the CEO of Bryant Enterprises, which acquired the HeyFla.com domain in May of 2011. Born in Orlando, Preston has been actively involved in Central and South Florida communities for several years. He has been a consistent supporter of independent artists and talent since the late 90’s. As both a Journalist (UG Press, Ozone Magazine) and Producer (The Urban Pulse, BlackMediaStream) Preston has worked with a long list of celebrities, politicians, and community leaders to open doors provide a platform for exposure and real conversations about how to make it happen. He also works with and volunteers his time with many Community Based Organizations and currently sits on the board of the Dyana L. Williams, The Guardian Inc., A non-profit HIV/AIDS Service Organization serving Central Florida. “HeyFla was a way for me to combine all the things I love into one package. My love for music, entertainment, community and family, not necessarily in that order.” Now with HeyFla, Preston is looking to bring greater visibility to the all the people and great things that make Florida hot from Key West to Pensacola.
J. Will –
Jacqui Williams (J. Will) is Florida’s Newyoribbean. Her roots are in the caribbean, yet she was raised in New York City and has resided in Florida has for past 18 years. J. Will has called both South Florida and Central Florida home. When she first moved to Florida she found herself on a quest to do as much as she possibly could, taking full advantage of the Florida’s great weather. This lead to Jacqui traveling to many Florida cities, partaking in several activities, such as playing on the beaches and taking in the nightlife. Not ready to end her adventures yet, she now wants to share them with each of you. Stay tuned for J. Will stories, there’s never a dull moment.
Woomi Lattimore –
Woomi Lattimore wishes for companionship. Ms. Lattimore is an incredibly beautiful, intelligent, single mom that has never been married and desires the company of a man that she can enjoy. Woomi believes the perfect companion is not measured by their finances, their six pack or their scholastic achievements. Woomi says “the perfect companion is best measured by their intelligence (not necessarily scholastic), achievements/goals (not necessarily financial) and their spiritual (not necessarily religious) beliefs regardless of where they are in their lives. Often times we have to fall in order to appreciate the walk.
Kewtypie –
Kewtypie is a Junior Journalist for Heyfla. Kewtypie is an oustanding middle school student. She regularly travels the state of Florida with her mom to participate and report on several teenage/children events. Kewtypie has participated in everything from extreme sports events and marathons to science fairs and spelling bees. When she’s asked to do things that she hasn’t done before Kewtypie takes on an entirely different persona. During this transformation she becomes FEARLESS! And we like it! We think you will too.